
Traders use momentum trading to identify stocks that are rapidly moving in a particular direction. In this guide, we’ll explain the basics of momentum trading and how it can potentially lead to profits. What is Momentum Trading? Momentum trading is a strategy that focuses on purchasing stocks that exhibit a strong upward or downward price...
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Contrarian investing
Investing in the stock market can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. There are numerous strategies to choose from, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Contrarian investing is a strategy that goes against the herd mentality and looks for opportunities in stocks that are undervalued. In this guide, the basics of contrarian investing...
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Growth Investing
Investing is a powerful tool for growing your wealth. However, there are many investment strategies to choose from, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. In this blog, we will focus on growth investing, which is a strategy that aims to invest in companies with high potential for growth. In this guide, we will explain...
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Value Investing
Value investing is a popular investment strategy that has been used successfully by many famous investors, including Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, and Charlie Munger. At its core, value investing involves identifying stocks that are undervalued by the market and buying them at a discount. In this blog post, we will explore the principles of value...
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Intraday trading, also known as day trading, is a popular form of stock trading in India. It involves buying and selling stocks within the same trading day, with the goal of making a profit from short-term price movements. If you’re interested in getting started with intraday trading in India, there are a few things you...
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Algo trading, also known as algorithmic trading, has revolutionized the financial markets in recent years. This form of trading uses mathematical models and high-speed computers to analyze and execute trades quickly, giving traders a distinct advantage in fast-paced and high-frequency trading environments. The rise of algo trading can be traced back to the increase in...
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Earlier in May’21, the SEBI had proposed a comprehensive gold- exchange framework. The proposal suggests a system wherein an investor can convert physical gold assets into “Electronic Gold Receipts” (EGR), and trade them in a similar manner like shares, and interestingly the investor can convert these e-gold receipts back into physical gold. The proposed gold...
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Algo Trading by H G Trades
  An algorithm is a specific set of clearly defined instructions aimed to carry out a task or process. And there are instances when a human trader isn’t able to handle enormous numbers of trading, and that’s when you need intervention of an intelligent algorithm. Algorithms have gained popularity in the trading landscape and many...
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Stock Market For Women
“Maximizing Profits in the Stock Market: A Step-by-Step Guide for Women” One of the key characteristics that sets men apart from women is their superior risk management skills. Stock market trading is all about managing risk and generating profits. Women, who are looking for financial independence, quick money, and long-term wealth creation opportunities, are increasingly...
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